MSC Certification

Certification of a fishery under the MSC Fisheries Standard demonstrates that the fish product comes from a fishery that is well managed and sustainably harvested.

MRAG Asia Pacific assists in coordinating MSC assessments in the Asia Pacific region on behalf of MRAG Americas, who is accredited to conduct both fishery certifications and chain of custody certifications in accordance with MSC standards ( 

Sustainable fisheries assessments are carried out in accordance with MSC Fisheries Standard.  A client fishery must meet or exceed the minimum standards for (1) sustainable target fish stocks, (2) environmental impact of fishing, and (3) effective management to receive certification.

Chain of Custody certifications are conducted under the relevant MSC Chain of Custody Standard and ensure that products bearing the MSC logo are sourced from a certified fishery.

As a natural resource consulting company with expertise in fisheries management, stock assessment, ecosystem-based management and traceability, and able to draw on our global network of fisheries experts, MRAG is uniquely positioned to undertake MSC certification. 

To enquire about MSC certification, please call us or send an email through our ‘Contact Us’ page.