MRAG Asia Pacific is contracted by the Parties to the Nauru Agreement to administer the PNA Observer Agency (POA). The main focus of the POA is to coordinate independent fisheries observer placements on purse seine vessels with Regional Access Licenses under the Federated States of Micronesia Arrangement (FSMA). Coordination of placements involves the full range of activities in support of observer programs including observer identification, briefing, debriefing, coordination of travel, accommodation and visas, administration of payments and allowances, disciplinary procedures, insurance and data submission.
Prior to the temporary suspension of the requirement for 100% observer coverage of purse seine vessels in the WCPFC area, the POA coordinated close to 20,000 observer sea days annually across 70+ vessels.
(07) 3371 1500
2/29 Woodstock Road
Toowong QLD 4066
© 2021 MRAG Asia Pacific. All Rights Reserved.