WCPFC’s Compliance Monitoring Scheme (CMS) was adopted by the Commission in 2010 (CMM 2010-03) with the objective of (i) ensuring that Members, Cooperating Non-Members and Participating Territories (CCMs) implement and comply with obligations arising under the Convention and conservation and management measures (CMMs) adopted by the Commission, and (ii) assessing flag CCM action in relation to alleged violations by its vessels. While the CMS has been subject to considerable evolution and review over time, concerns remain that it continues to be resource intensive and focuses disproportionately on some fisheries at the expense of others, amongst other things. To support a package of measures agreed to improve the operation of the CMS, MRAG Asia Pacific were commissioned by FFA to develop a risk-based assessment framework (RBAF) to assist members in prioritising obligations for inclusion in annual CMS assessments. The project set out the key design considerations in structuring an RBAF, the key process issues involved and proposed a draft framework for FFA’s consideration. Workshops with FFA members were held to help design the RBAF and agree preliminary risk scoring across WCPFC obligations.