This project was undertaken in two parts. The first study attempted to develop benchmark metrics for the high level performance indicators (PIs) included in the FFA Regional Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Strategy (2018-2023). The purpose of the PIs is to track the effectiveness of the RMCSS in meeting its objective of combatting IUU fishing in the Pacific Islands region. This part reviewed the existing framework of indicators and recommended a redesigned set of ‘fewer, more meaningful’ PIs based on more readily available data to improve repeatability over time and reduce reporting burden on members. The first part also recommended the assessment of PIs under the RMCSS be seen in the context of an overall MCS continuous improvement cycle, subsequently adopted by FFC110. The second study developed a revised set of ‘fewer, more meaningful’ indicators and provided initial baseline metrics for each. The study recommended a range of measures to improve data collection to ensure robust, repeatable monitoring of the PIs over time.